Saturday, October 31, 2009

A Week Later after the Drama

yes, I finally got my lazy butt off my chair, off potato chips, beers and lot of fried stuff. And into the pool for the first time after 3 months.

I think the last swim was at desaru, well it felt like last week anyway. ask Regina and she will tell you, it was like yesterday when she fell off her bike. It started out a hot hot day and wanted to sleep a little long this morning, in the end, I still woke up at 6am. darn. I am not ready to go out in view of the rain this morning, I sat down on the crouch and watch tv until 8am. then a second round of sleeping.

woke up at 1030 feeling satisfied! a nice breakfast and off i went for a middle afternoon swim. Planning was to do a 60laps in the pool (inspired by KK from Face book) I changed quickly and start front crawling in a almost empty lane. The stroke today was smooth as I was keeping my elbow close and bending, usually i would stretch the elbow for a glide but today i am trying another technique, less gliding, breath on the 2nd stroke and keep the shoulder and leg relax.

hey it worked. I was not tired even into my 40+ laps. only thing is it get boring after 50laps. I decided to call it a day, when i reached 52laps. looking at the watch, I was slower then before, but the body was not tired at all. wow, I like my new swimming technique. only things is i might need to work on some speeds.

Distance cover: 2.6km
time: 1 hour 15mins (include a short rest time)

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