Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hot and Humid Run

Having to stay at home, mugging for exam for the past few days. somehow, I am gald to have woke up at 5am and prepared for this morning run. I managed to reach ECP at about 5.50am, excepting not more than 3 including me.

Then, there were 7. We started off the run at a easy pace, keeping the leg easy. I was not planning to kill myself today, as I still have to prepare for another paper on Tuesday. The gang started off the run at 6am sharp, it was very humid. We started to perspire once we started to run, it was really humid. although, there was some wind coming from the sea, it does not really help.

took some break at the 4km and 8 km mark, LT decided to u turn, while the rest u turned at 10km mark. stuck, yankee and myself, pushed a little more to make it 12km. time: 1 hour 25mins. not too bad, despite we stopped many time for walk breaks and drinks. Running back to the start point, we took a quick drink again at NSRCC before continuing. I could feel that the leg is tired, body aching, head spinning. bad news. The sun is out full force now.

we managed to pushed toward the seafood restaurant toilet at 20km for a stop. it was already 2 hour 30min. okay, "another 4 more km and we will be thru" we meet up some army boy running along ECP, it reminds me of those NS days that we are all force to run, "i really hate that feeling", now we are volunteering ourself to run, how ironic.

reaching 3km mark, stuck and yankee pushed up the pace, I try to follow but the leg would not move faster. haha. run, walked, jogged. I managed to spot tekko and mr tekko on the way back.

Distance: 24km
Time: 3 hour.

KFC breakfast never tasted so good.


roentgen said...

There is always time for good KFC! :D

Burnz said...

yup.. haha.. i agree..