Sunday, May 10, 2009

Over night 63km

Sundown Training Route 43.5km.

we started off the run at about 8pm. Start point was at Sundown start point and we were accompany by tao, fennel, laser, st and terence. Running toward ECP, the pace wasn`t fast. but I don`t know why the leg just could not help but feel tiredness. I am hopping that those runs on tuesday and thursday was not the culprit.

stop to walk at every 25mins, we managed to cover around 4km each time. After 2 stop, we reached the green fence. Laser was already way a head of us, we could not even see her shadow. some one remark that "Fatbird" training really did wonders, I wasn`t too sure about it. once reached the ECP first toliet, St and Tao took a longer break and planned to meet us at C4 bridge, Terence, Fennel and myself pressed on to the play ground, on the way, we met laser.

We make a quick 100 plus break at the playground, we continued back to C4 bridge and met the rest of there. took a walk break up the bridge, we continued into towards bedok mrt. LT sms us to meet us at some point. We keep a point to look out for the back group and slow down if the gap is too big. aupon reaching Bedok park, Laser decided to call it a day. took a cab back to the start point, we pressed on towards the reservoir. Somehow, the tiredness feeling was gone, I could run better. was it the yoko yoko that make this wonders? When we reached 30km, Time: 4 hour 15mins. ST took the devil deals and hop on to the car. Thanks LT for the support at this point, eventhough, he was having a wedding dinner, he make here to support us in the middle of the night.

Pacing towards the mosque, the pace was steady, the body was tired, but i remembered when the last time we took this distance, my leg and lung was already crying for help. Distance: 38.5km. Time: 5hour 30mins. LT appeared again with kopi ice cold, this really make our night. It was a strong pace back to start point from that on. Distance: 43.5km, Time: 6hour 35mins.

20km towards the Green Fence.
Start Time: 3am

Rested for 20mins after the first lap, we took watermelon, drinks and power gel. we continued the second lap. This time, only fennel and myself took this distance. LT, ST and Laser went home, Tao and Terence was our supports. Like the same from the last 50km, I was having problem, mainly mental. when i am running in the changi beach park. my pace was really slow and the body just could not wake up. fennel was slight ahead of me, looking out for me.

when we are out into the coastal road, the leg begin to run better, which i was quite surprise myself. Tao and terence was at the first junction, where we signal them to meet us at the fire station. 7km at the fire station, we were still feeling good. There was a glimpse of hope for me to complete this gruesome 84km, back in my mind.

First 10km
Time: 1 hour 15mins.
Time: 4. 20am

Second loops back, We decided to take it easy. not wanting to killed ourself, we decided to run-walk strategies more often. The Leg now was tired, but I know this is achieveable. took our last drinks before the fire station, we signal tao and terence to move back to the start point. but on the way, we met some dogs, probably we are near their nest. walked pass them, we continued to run back to start point.

Second loop
Time: 1hour 30mins
Time: 5. 45am

Total distance: 63km
Time: 9hour45mins.

a special thanks to those who took their time and gave us their supports, despite the over night and sleeping in the car and those who supported us in joining us for the run. thanks guys. without you, this might not be possible.

Total distance for the week: 100km.
time to taper for the race.

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