Sunday, August 2, 2009

Desaru, Love, hate relationship!

I managed to pick up Terence and family around 1140 and proceed to Regina house for a reorg as plan. meet up xz , we drove to JB without much trouble. Meet the rest (sotong, his wife, divey/ Ben, Joanna, Regina, my wife and myself) do some last min shopping, off we go to desaru.

this year, the briefing was at the "cookhouse" it was not as comfortable as last year, no aircon, no place to sleep :P After the briefing, we went for dinner. as usual, the per dinner was a quick, simple and full of carbo.

Race Day
After breakfast, we proceed to the start point 2.5km away, I was staying at Pulai. a nice place and better facilities. love it there. settling the transition, I proceed to the sea. Ha yes, the sea, who could forget about the wave. It welcomes you with big open arms and then it splashed into the shore with big and high wave too. It was not long, after the final "death"briefing by Uncle Chan, we run off into the WAVE! yes, by now, the wave was in full action.

What a Wave!
I was blocked all the way until the first point, I just could not over take anyone. ( I should start learned to over take in the water, try to be more aggressive) finish the first loops at 20mins. Run a short distance, I dived into the water again. Blocked again! damn it. out of the water at 42mins. I was among the last one. how could that be? nvm, just walked to the transistion, the heels was acting up badly. Heny was shouting at me, Batz is just in front of u!

Swim time: 40mins.

The Hills!
Took sometime at the transistion, I must make sure i get everything ready. took my gels, sunglass and i pushed off to the start point. Smaller crank into the start, just keeping it easy today. I remind myself, I want to run, not walking today!

First loops was a killer in my opinion. The body was still adjusting out of the sea, I felt like vomiting most of the ride during the first loop. The up hills does not help at all, but I love the down hills.

Second loops was much better, the body was recovering from the sea, I could start to drink again. but the right foot arch was painful. What the hell! I try to release the shoe a bit and move my toes. it help a bit. I think i over took batz, Charmine, tao, cfred. etc, could not ready remembered.

Third loops, The body was feeling fine. big cranks and I try to spin down hills, (max 58km/hour) uphills (min, 9km/hour) lol.

Bike time: 3 hour 05mins.
Total number of gels, 3 pax. orange favour, 2 bottle of 750ml water.

Hot Hot Run!
It was so hot, I think i might had fainted a few time! no choice, the arc was painful, I think the pain at the arc, over took my heel pain! but at least, i could run. small steps, at least running. Stopped at the first water point, took drinks and water over the head. I tried to continue running. Yankee over took me at about the same point like last year. sianz.

Run- walk, the leg felt like cramping. no choice had to walk a few step, before jogging. Stop at another water point, this time, i remembered not to drink water from the sponge. took more water in a cup, gels, banana. Run- walk again! into the 7km mark, Batz over took me. wah lao. this guy can really run.

After the first loops, the arc pain was gone, the heel pain came back! hahaha. I was laughing at myself, this is really called "tekening" big time I was able to find my legs in the second loop after 13km. I could pace better and open the stride more. 4km before the end point, Charmine and Freddy over took me. I tried to run in their pace, but only for 1km. nvm la, I will complete this race that had bothered me 2 week ago.

Finally cross the finished Line 6hour 46mins.
2 pack of gels, 2 bananas and lot of drinks.

I could feel that the body was not as tired as last year, even though, the race condition was much worst than last year. I could still feel like running, maybe can walk for some distance, before I collapse dying! so not too bad after all :)

POST Dinner!
Yeah! finally something that everyone is looking forward to. 4 cars, we convoy to Sg Rengit for dinner, the same place from the last pengrerang trip. I remembered it was good. Dinner was serve with Steam Lobsters, chills Crab, Steam Pawns, tofu, some sort of sweet and sour meat and a stir fried vege. Coconut drinks, Coke, Green tea. Ended the night with Rambi Burger

A love and hate moment in this desaru trip, you hate it, when you drank a mouthful of sea water, felt drowning most of the time, the hills on the bike was never ending, knowing that one of your friend fall down badly, you felt quite bad and slightly responsible for it. But it also feel good when you were crusing down those hills.

Running in a hot weather was equally terrible, but with the supportors and those running past cheering you, it becomes one of those best moments in our life. The moment of Crossing the finish line in a HIM distance, was always not easy to forget! I wondered how it could feel in a IM event?

Post dinner was equally good with great accompanied. This love/ hate relationship would probably last for sometime. like a gathering of good friends with common and crazy interests. we had fun, suffered together and enjoyed the sweet bitter victory and memories of crossing the line and the dinner.

Like some say, this is a Cheap but a Crazy Race! we will be back.

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