Sunday, August 9, 2009

A good Morning Ride....

Why does all these training start in the wee hours? 430am, when everyone i know are either still sleeping or had not slept yet. I am struggling to get my ass off the bed, looking out the window, it was still misty outside. oh man, it would be nice to tuck in till the sun come out.

I managed to convince myself again that the ride is something that worth more than this, dragged myself off the bed, put on the clothes that i prepared last night. Took out the bike and off i go. Every time passing those prata coffee shop, those merry goers eating their breakfast, drink teh and milo. I somehow don`t really envy them. I wondered why?

8.5km to the meeting area, ST, Tao and LT was there. Hey i am not late leh. time: 525am. We waited for a while, just in case and proceed our way to LCK road. it was a 30km ride to the u turn point and the mandai hills was still not forgiving. Yes, even the yellow cervelo is struggling on the hills of mandai. Riding into kranji road was my favourite part of the road, it is very cooling, almost like aircon and the lights from our neighbour country is beautiful. Looking at the sea across, I wondered how Mas Selamat swim across? it must have been "cold"

at the u turn point in LCK, I managed to do a time trial spin back to the armour camp. 40km- 45km.. nice speed on a highway. riding back shell mandai station, the speed was faster, more down slopes. average speed 35km/hour. I could bent to an aero position most of the time and the leg felt strong, despite the run yesterday. Reached Shell, CP joined us and after the reorg, we rode back to the starting point for drinks and breakfast.

Today was also the first day, ST had her mandai experience, I hope it was a good one. hehe. next time we would added some loops just for fun.

Distance: 74.5km
Time: 3 hours.

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