Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Finding the Pace

The thought of running up the MF hill was already too tough in the back of my mind, before i even started to run 3.5km towards the bottom of the hill. I was already contemplating if i should go for this one.

nevertheless, I still make it there before the run starts. 7pm the run towards the devils hill start, as I joined by many hero who wanted day after days, week after weeks, to conquer 4- 6 loops around this "devil hill"

The leg was heavy and breathing was bad, I was already sweating even just a few hundred meters into my run. how am i supposed to survive this evening? I was running at the rear with LT and the pace was slow, not those lung breaking type. I was trying to keep the leg moving, it actually felt like i had a done a 30km just now. I just keep on moving.

I wasn`t about to start talking this evening, just wanted to completed up the hill, and considered again if i should run another round up there. running up the hills, I was panting.. badly. finally, i managed to make it up the hill in one piece. running down the hill, take it as a recovery and up the hills struggling like crazy. 2 loops was enough and call it a day.

distance 13.7km
time: 1 hour 35mins.

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