Saturday, November 14, 2009

A Easy LSD pace

what is a easy LSD pace? a pace where you can talk while running? a 70% HR pace? A pace where you can still breath thru your nose? I need to find my HR monitor.

This morning, I woke up at 315am again. struggling to get off the cosy bed and get the ass moving to ECP. I managed to reach the F2 CP at 350am and I was the first one there. The other 2 managed to reach shortly.

Starting off the run, I was conservative on the pace, not wanting to go too fast. the body this morning was feeling good, not very sure why. maybe was the hongkong noodle yesterday night :P . running into the coastal route, I felt the body was warming up and I could find the leg for it. I managed to find my hamstring and was able to push the body forward. The breathing was good, not very sure how was my HR, but i still could breath thru the nose. I was making sure to drink at every 10 -15mins and stop at every 25mins of the time to rest the legs. The body felt great, not tired at all. I could have joined the guys for another 4km if i am not rushing for a appointment at 9am. never mind, next week we shall do a bit more.

In the end, we managed to stop and run for 23km in about 3hour. what a nice running weather, cool climate and great running pals. thanks guys.

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