Sunday, November 15, 2009

CUI Ride!

2 days in a row, I woke up at 3am in the morning, this time for LSD bike which was arrange a week ago with KK. looking out to the window, the road was wet, but i wasn`t about to drop the idea for this morning LSD ride.

I was able to reached MR CP and met up with KK and sealboon at around 350am. Discussed about the road we should take, I started off the ride at 4am sharp. I was equipped with 3 L of water today and I am not going to get any cramp today. Riding into the first tactic halt, we went thru Mandai- kranji- LCK- Boon Lay- Jurong island- west coast SPC. We took a quick halt by the station and press on from there. the body was feeling well and the leg was not tired.

Second halt was done at ECP C4 CP, distance cover about 77km. I was reminding myself to drink every 10 - 15 mins but i forgotten to eat. damn! Riding into ECP - coastal road toward loyang, I was drop! The duo was drifting each other, while i was drop at coastal road. then I suddenly remembered, that i haven`t refill yet. no choice, I had to stop by the side and start to eat fruit bars while peddling. The body was so tired, energy felt drained so suddenly and I think, I smell "food" along the way.

I managed to spot them along the long slope at loyang towards shell and luckily, they decided to stop! heng har. I take this chance and went into 7/11 for my "breakfast" Distance cover: 90km.
Riding back to MR via, loyang road, old tampine road, upper serangon- TPY and back to MR CP.

The duo decided to make another loop to mandai, while i bid my "ride safe" and proceed home.

distance: 120+km
time: 4hour 35mins.
25km/hour average.

Lesson learn:
sip of water at every 10- 15mins works
now I need to plan for my refill. maybe every 45km.

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