Friday, February 13, 2009

Are you a Risk Taker?

Have you ever asked by someone, if you are a risk taker? or ever hear comment about someone not being one? or someone actually claimed that they are?

so what this "Risk Taker" actually means? do they take unnecessary risk, just because they think they had more "guts" than other? like quitting a job, just to take on another one, knowing that you might not last in the new one. Or doing a "task" in an unconventional way, just to prove that they are much superior? Investing in funds, shares only by the information from peers. Or is it just another those "cool" names they want to be associate by?

Are risk taker being categories in agendas or ages? or in fact by intelligent?

I supposed most of us had heard about this "extra-ordinary" people and often heard them or see them doing thing that are both risky, not tested and sometime stupid. Sometime they succeed and they celebrate and when they failed, they celebrate too. I believed in opportunity knocking on my door, but I am a firm believer that opportunities only open to those who are truly ready. Many so-called risk taker in my context, are often struggling entrepreneur that either lost their employment or just could not bother to find a proper job. These people tired to make end meet while criticising others who work 9-5 a loser. Oh yes, there are a rare few that make it, but how many bodies they are stepping on just to make it? must be alot, i guessed.

I am sort of an old school in thought for venturing into new grounds, although, i had done some in the past. I believed in calculated risk and had plans for falling back into. I guessed probably due to the fact that I am aging and having high stakes on my hand. Don`t get me wrong, I have full respect in those who dares and those who believe in themselves, even though, i think they could not see the pot hole in front of them. well, let them fall a few time and broke some limps to remind them their failure. So if you had ever heard someone asking if you are a risk taker, asked them back, if they are doing fine?

History are there to be learn and often lesson are learned by those mistake we make.

By remembering the past mistake and not doing it again, you have achieved the Lesson, if you could not remember your failure, you did not learned yet.

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