Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sprint Series Distance Swim 750 - Run 5km

This morning was the beginning of the Sprint Series from Tribob. It was the same event that i took part past year. it was actually the first event last year that I fell in love with, and i told myself i will be back this year.

This year, I wasn`t alone. Tao, Chen ping and ST was there to do the event with me. During the race, as per every race, the usual suspects was there. During such race, it always seem like an old friends gathering place, where people whom you had not met very long, come together for the same purpose. People that i had met in during the race. Jodan, Aaron, Roonz, raven, seal boon, eliza.

Supportors: Yankee, Batz, Fennel and IMD. thanks guys

I am starting in the Men Fit event which mean less then 20mins on the swim. standing way back in the line, i was talking to someone that i didn`t know. looking at his nervous face, i just told him to be calm and take it easy on the swim. "Horn" and we are off! I waited for a while for the pack to clear and take my time to swim. taking on the free style, i found a leg in the water. I remember drafting, after a while, i managed to over take it and found another leg. I was calmer in the water than the first time I did this race, as I knew what to do. Keeping the leg in view, i felt the draft and continued to the first u turn point. I quickly took a glance and knew that i was at the middle pack. Good la, If i continued like that, i should PB my first swim-run race in 2009 races.

On the way swimming back, i was taking my time to swim and enjoying the moment. but suddenly, I was kicked on the hand and shoulder. Someone was zigzaging in his swim, it was not for a short moment, but almost towards the whole swim. omg. I just kept off his legs, hopping not to be kicked by him again! out of the water, 19mins, jodan followed closely.

Transition: 2 mins (this time, I remember to wear my sock)

Run 5km.

keeping the pace, i just take it easy on the run. aiming to complete in sub 30mins, not too fast. first 2 km into the run, the quads was a little tight, i guess i am lacking in brick training for this event. Running past every water point, i took a slip and poured the rest on my head. After the first 1km, there was no shelter along the run. eventhough, it was only 9am, the sun was really hot! I was able to run better after 2km into the run and stride better when coming back. Make a final sprint at about 500m point, i finished the race in about 50mins thereafter. a PB for me comparing from last year 55mins. cool

We ended off the event with a good chicken noodle at chintown and went our separate ways home.

result out:

Swim; 20mins
TT: 1min 20sec
Run: 28min
total: 51mins. ( not too far from my estimates)

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