Saturday, February 21, 2009

Mandai 55km

This morning, only 2 were in the bike, the rest were running. i managed to reach upper Pierce reservoir after 20mins ride from home, which start around 650am. On the way, when riding past the long house, see the joy riders, they are a big group. looking around in the crowds, I did not see anyone that i know, i just ride past them.

Reached the carpark, I wait for another 20mins before she arrived. This morning our plans was to do a mandai loop, keeping the leg fresh for tomorrow Swim-run event. Although, it was not the first time for me, but i just want to keep it easy today.

when reaching the mandai shell, we make a decision to continue to kanji dam to clock a little more. riding into the industrial park it was full of lorries, bad decision. but we pressed on and do a small stop over at the dam before continuing on. We managed to meet up with the rest of the gang and had prata over at casurina. it was a good ride today.

Distance: 55km
Average: 26km/hour

quote of the day:

if it was not a fact, speculation and rumour only make it worst!

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