Saturday, March 21, 2009

40+km ECP

It was a cool and a bit wet weather morning, where most would rather stuck in the bed then thinking of a run. Not most prefer a long run and definitely not a marathon distance. The gang started off this long run at about 5.40am in the morning, with the accompany of IMD, Yue Hua and Joanna.

Today, the training was to keep the feet on the route for at least 6 hours and keeping it fresh at the same time. thinking about it, it was not going to be a easy task. We started running at start of carpark B1 towards NSRCC, into coastal route and u turn at the carpark after SAF Jetty.

Running towards NSRCC, IMD and YH ran head of us, but just took our easy pace. I was able to find my pace quickly this morning, not too fast but keeping it comfortable. in order to keep the leg fresh, my plans was to do 20min run, 5 mins walk. We could complete the first 8km in about an hour with 2 x 5 mins walk in between. Took a longer break, at the last toilet in ECP, we continued into coastal road. It was getting brighter when we hitted the coastal road, this was just then we saw LT. He was late. must be the baby keeping him up. haha.

Running towards the first toilet at coastal road, we took break at every 20mins for a 5 mins walk. This time, I reminded the gang to eat gels or food in those walking breaks. Meeting LT again on the way to the first CP. He passed us the key to his car, telling us, we can have the drinks at the booth. We took a quick breaks and continued towards the SAF jetty. As i was not very sure about the distance, I just want to make sure that we managed minimal 40km this time, so I signal to the gang and press on for more before u turn.

Finally, we u turned at about less then 700m at the start of Sundown, according to Yankee. we continued back to the first toilet for a break. We met LT again at the carpark, where he finished his workout. He generously offer drinks and chocolates, keeping our spirit high during the break we had at his car. at this time, we are at about 23km into our run. time: 2 hour 40mins.

We continued back via coastal road, yankee and fennel ran ahead, I just keep to my pace. Batx was there to accompany me. thanks pal. Reorg the gang at the fire station. We ran in pace towards the 30km mark at the green fence. time: 4 hours. Took another walk break again. Leg still felt good. but the sun is out full force.

While reaching NSRCC, we spotted LT, He was there again with drinks and this time, banana for us. thanks pals. it was like heaven send! Took another longer breaks, we walked a little before we run again. Running back on ECP road, the moral of the gang was high. we leverage on the spirit and pace a little faster towards hawker, looking forward to see LT there again.

The body and leg could felt the fatigue, but we pressed on. When reaching the hawker centre, LT was there greeting us, it was another rounds of drinks from him before we continued again back to the start point. Distance: 37km, Time: 4hour 40mins.

In the last 5km, I could felt a headache. I just want to finish the run and get myself a good shower. Distance: 42+km, Time: 5 hour 35mins.

The leg and the body was still strong, but head was in pain. Fennel felt some cramps coming, but the other two was looking really strong. After shower, we had our well deserve lunch at katong laska, nasi lemak, tau po, mee sua, pawn mee. what a lunch! great company too!

Thanks to our super suppoters: Little Tigger.
20mins run, 5 min walked is a great way of keeping the leg fresh.
Supporters are important to keep the spirit alive.
Prepare banana and bread on our next run.

next: 50km or 8 hours.

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