Sunday, March 22, 2009

MR Recovery 10.5 loop

It was another wet morning today, waking up to thunders and wind blowing near the windows. Then i heard the an sms, Tao confirmed with me again if we should be running at MR. my first reaction was, let cancel it and continued to sleep. But in the end, after some miscommunication, 4 of us gathered at MR carpark at 730am :(

Started off running at about 745am, the weather was really good, very cooling. There was not much people at MR today, probably everyone esle like us, want a good sleep off in the bed or maybe everyone was at ECP for the Singapore Ironman. I was not too keen about this events, although, i took part in it last year. I did not really enjoyed it very much.

Running into the northern trail, my leg was light, despite the marathon that we did yesterday. I asked around, all of us were still feeling strong and there was not any problem with the leg. strange! After some bashing thru a fallen trees, I decided to kick off the run at a tempo speed. As there was no pain on the leg and in fact, it felt strong. I decided to run and pushed the body till it was tired enough. Running thru the loops, i did not slow down and and i could feel my calf and quads working. out of the northern loop, time: 23 mins include the bashing in the trees. I reckon we are doing a 5mins pace thru out the run. 2 of them are complaining, but i am very sure, they loved it, cool.

Yankee and Fennel was just a arm lenght behind and we re group with tao running not far from us. jogged to the ranger station, took a longer breaks before we started to run again. this time, the pace was much manageable. keep the 3 of us in a group. while reaching the open field course, the field was very muddy. we took our time and walked thru it. Tao re group again after the open field, we took a long walk break again.

the last 3.5km, we run off in another tempo pace toward the ending point. 3 of us were running solo this time, yankee in the front, fennel middle and i am just keeping them in view. Finally, we completed the loop in about 1 hour 30mins.

good recovery run today.

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