Saturday, April 11, 2009

50km Training Run

The gang meet up at the sundown start point at 7.30pm in the evening, took sometime putting on the shoe and wax the body to prevent abrasion, we started off the run at about 8pm.

on the way, text LT that we are on the way, he was going to lend us a hand in this training run. the first 20km towards "The Playground" was ok, not too fast. Although, the quads and hamstring was still sore, at least it was not limping. In the first long break after 21km, I could feel the soreness. Time: 2hour 45mins.

took a quick drink, we continued towards Telok Kurau where LT will be there will "goodies". we managed to reach the point 23.5km, time: 3 hour 15mins. LT and Regina was there. the prepared food and drinks were terrific, but the moral support from them was even welcoming. rest about 15mins on the seond long break, I urged the gang to press on.

running towards bedok reservoir park, we meet with many runner that was also training for the sundown. the leg was getting heavy and the soreness was getting worst. breathing was still good at this time. finally, after close to an hour, we finally reached the third meet up point with LT and Regina. Buay was there with a camera. haha. took our third long break with drinks, bananas. Distance: 30km. Time: 4hour 20mins.

next stop, mosque, after the break, the leg, body and spirit always lifted. Even the pace was better. I knew i was slowing down when i was unable to catch up with fennel and batz. even joanna was catching up with me. The leg was in pain now. Distance: 35km, Time 5 hour 15mins. The fourth break was the longest. more drinks, foods at this time. There were even "Hot Drinks" it was a life saver. thanks pal. Joanna decided to go for the "Devils" offer and hopped on to the blue car. we pressed on.

The First 500m was a terrible up slope walked to loyang ave. after which, we continued to run down slope and press on back to the ending point. Distance: 42km, Time: 6hours 30mins. The body was not willing to move when I reached this point, it was mind over body at this time. Took a few more bananas, I urged to press on another 8 more km to compete the task. At this point, Gene, had enough, she took the "Devils Deal"

I knew i need to do this, i need to press on and force the body to go beyond 42km. running towards the coastal route again, i was 200-300m behind the gang, they were doing fine. but i was almost limping. never mind, a little more and i will be done. I could see that they took turn to watch out for me and fennel was running slower for me to catch up. thanks. Distance: 45.5km. ok, i had enough, i will do 1 more km and will turn back. 46km and another 4km back to start point. LT, Gene and Tao was with us at the last point at 46km. keeping our moral high by offering us food and crackers. I kindly rejected it, as i would probably throw out if i eat now. Walked, Run back to start point. we had jokes and riddle supply by batz. The moral was high when we complete the run.

Distance: 50km
Time: 8hour 20mins.

I could not eat at this moment, snore quads, tired hamstring and a painful foot. I went home satisfied on the completion of the task. Thanks to LT, Regina, Buay for the supplies, moral support and friendships. thanks to my running buddies for this crazy night runs.

next challenge, 60km.

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