Friday, May 29, 2009


If you "see" yourself completing.. you will complete.
If you can`t imagine it, you would probably drop off at some point.

It had being at least 6 months of training that i am task to organise, now, I am not very sure if these training benefit to those who trained and run the distance with me. But it definitely help me improve physically and mentally. Forming a team to run for this distance was just part of the plan that I had. Everyone in the team had "something" to prove, some task to complete and some dream to fulfill. I don`t know why someone would want to do it for the second time, only WM.

The Team
This team was formed with me, at first, trying my luck with WM, to see if he wants to do the second time. well, my luck went out when he agree without hesitation, that lead me to encourage 2 others to joined in this long deadful distance. as the saying goes, Misery Love Company.

The training
We schedule a weekend double, just after 2008 MR Ultramarathon, part of the inspiration was when some of the folk did a back to back half marathon and marathon in the other part of the world. I was trying to know how hard it could feel. Running a long steady Distance at ECP 25km and beyond and a 10.5km on a sunday could probably make many give up after a few weeks. I am gald, we stick to most of the weekends. Although, it wasn`t always the full team that appeared in those training, but at least we tried.

We had actually peak a few time thru-out the 6 months of training, from 42km on a Saturday continued with a 10.5 trail run on a sunday. to a 50km over night run and finally the 100km per week. 3 weeks before tomorrow. well, at least most of us tried to make it for all the run.

Initially, when I decided to take up this distance, just for only a pure simple reason. when i finished this 84km, a marathon or any other distance or long distance sport would then be just a pcs of cake. Call me an over achiever.

Having to train for such a distance, requires understanding from spouse. I knew that time would be a huge factor for training. but now i know it is achieveable too.

The training had prepared us, oh well at least most of us for this run, it will not be like any marathon we did in the past, but something more challenging. it challenges the body, mind and the heart. I knew that it would be one of those distance run, that would glorify us when we completed, but if it does not, there was nothing to be ashame of. 12- 14hour of run, anything could happen. cramps, dehydration, body break down, injuries, etc etc etc.. if we could not complete as a team, let us complete as an individual. good luck to all.

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