Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Double work out

Afternoon work out consist of bike, weighs.

time: 50mins
Distance: 30km
cadance: 96
average speed 36.5km/hour.

dumb bell chest press
weigh: 50 and 60
4 x 15 reps

back press machine
weigh 35
3 x 12 reps

Since J was not able to make it for dinner, I decided to go for a swim in the evening.
with the accompany of Yankee and Tao at Srg stadium pool. I reached early, planning to do longer distance tonight. first 1km of the swim, I could feel the shoulder was tired but managable.

rest for a while and chat with the couple, we continued for another 500m before calling the night off. Teochew porridge for dinner after that. what a work out today.

ok, it time to rest. beer and chip time before D day.

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