Saturday, May 2, 2009

Warm up Run

This morning, not much turned up the training today. I supposed it was the weather yesterday, that make many dead tired and some sick. nevertheless, 4 of us pressed on.

The planning was to do 30km today, but i am already had some planned to u turn at 24km, even before the start of the training. Running on ECP starting at B1, the weather this morning was humid, but it turn better when we reached the 4km mark. The wind was cooler and there was even a glimpse of much needed rain. Took a quick break and reorg the group. we pressed on again.

Took break in between 8km and finally u turn at 12km. The pace today was not too fast, but steady. more break in between the run, we complete strong in the end of 3km towards the ending point.

Distance: 24km
Time: 3hour

I must be crazy.. I have not finish this gruesome ultramarathon, am here i am, thinking and planning for the Feb 2010. The heat must have gotten to me real bad.

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