Friday, June 19, 2009

Did We All Get Hallucination?

Looking at the past 3 years of my training career, i had done some major events where in the past I am not even able to imagine myself doing it. I am not really very keen into running, biking for the matters. Swimming was my forte since young, but i am not really good at it, comparing to my peers.

I am just an average joe, still I am now. Running a Marathon, Ultramarathon, LD triathlon was the last thing on my mind, the thought of running 5km on the road was painful enough for me. let alone biking for 3-4 hours.

I am not very sure now, why i took up these sports, all I want to do is to keep fit! A 5km or 40mins run is enough for a healthy heart, 20 laps in the pool and probably a leisure bike at ECP with your loved one, follow by a hearty dinner was a prefect weekend by my standard.

when I looked back at the events i took part, those long distance events and long hours of training i put in. I am now, again, asking myself, why?

There was not enough reasoning for such action, there was no need to start with anyway. But why the craving for more,it is when every time we can achieve something. We want more, we want to be faster, run longer, swim faster, bike easier. call it addictive, call it hallucination, are we mad?

The only denominator I could imagine that we had in common was the "mind" it tells, pushes you to the limit, sometime when your body could not take it anymore, but the mind ( some say sub conscious) take over, pushes us to run a little more, a little bit further, endured 5mins more... even when the mechanic of the body was in the peak of breaking down. When we completed those event, most probably in the mid pack of the participants, there were no trophy, no prize, no pride, no money, nothing!

There are some friends, i know, went into depression when they are put out of action for some reason. Aren`t we supposed to be happy, we are given a chance to lead a normal life again!

But after a while, we still come back for punishment. I am not sure why.. does it build character? yes! does it gave you the ability to boost about your events? yes! Does anyone admired/care/ concern about those "stupid" thing you did? NO! i say do it for yourself! no one else.

haha.. call us long distance crazy Joe who just make up the number in a LD event! nah, just an average Joe, whose is trying hard to keep Fit in a crazy way.

ask me about my next major event after the painful 84km ultramarathon. you probably won`t be surprise at all.

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