Saturday, June 13, 2009

ECP 30km

The training today was to cater for those who are doing KL marathon at the end of the month. I reached the start point at 520am. waited for while, fennel appeared and followed by the rest. LT, buay, regina, tao, yankee and terence.

Run starts at 545am, pace wasn`t fast, just enough to warm up the leg. We managed to reach the first break point 4km in about 24mins. Terence told me we are doing about 6 mins pace. second 4km check point at about 50mins. took a longer toliet break, we continued the run while Tao decided to u turn.

Running into the coastal route, LT u turn and only leave fennel, terence, yankee, regina and myself. The pace was much fast into the coastal route, maybe because of the slight drizzle. while a bigger drizzle began to pour at the fire station shelter. Waited for buay and fennel to reach, we continued back to start point.

Got a drink at the NSRCC, distance 20km. time: 2 hour 15mins. a final 10km back to start point, aiming to reach before 930am. The Sun was up and the heat becoming unbearable. Leg started to feel tired but how come my biceps also felt the same way? maybe was the gym session 2 days ago, nevermind la. We managed to reach the Mac donald, finaly 2.5km, I decided to take it easy, while the rest power back. waiting for regina, we run-walk back to start point. a nice chat with her on some training ideas.

Distance: 30km
time: 3 hour 28mins.

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