Thursday, June 11, 2009

Bike and Weighs

Quote "if you want to lose weights, you must gain weights first" hmm.. seem like mine is a long term plans :P

Not that my weighs had balloon, but it went up and down like the mandai hills. hovering around 68-70kg for the past 2 years. how come?

Bike trainer
Time: 50mins
Distance: 32km
cadence: 96
average speed 37km/hour

Weighs session

dumb bells chest press
weighs: 60
3 x 15 reps

biceps curls and triceps lifts
weighs: 35
3 x 15 reps

back press (machine)
weighs; 35
2 x 12 reps

shoulder press (machine)
weighs 35
2 x 12 reps

incline sit up

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