Sunday, June 7, 2009

MR 18km

There were 6 of us that turned up at MR this morning, started off the run about 7.15am. The morning sun was already up and the route was filled with walkers.

Running towards the northern trail, the pace was easy. knowing the longer distance we are doing today, decided not to pushed the pace before reaching for a tactical halt. I was able to reached the first halt by 24mins. a short reorg, we took some welcoming walks break to the ranger station.

I was contemplating if i should be running to Bukit timah bike trail today, but the body just took over when i reached the ammo dump. damn it. NO turning back now. Overall, it was not a difficult run, just hilly, reminded me of GE 30 and despite the bike ride yesterday, I just take it easy and was thinking about "TNF" if I could complete within the cut off timing.

In the end, instead of running back to the ranger station, The one doing KL suggested that we took the fastest way back. haha. not me hor. Finally we completed the run with distance at about 18km in 2hour 20mins.

It must have been sometime since we do more than 10.5km in MR. a good change of route. we shall do more soon.

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