Saturday, July 25, 2009

Life is like a Tyre Change?

This afternoon, i did something, i suddenly found enlightened. It is as simple as changing my bicycle tyre. yes, you have not heard or see it wrongly. There is nothing much to it, only thing was, i am really not good at it.

Story goes;
I was task to do some chores in the house, but before that, I wanted to change my bicycle tyre, as i remembered it was flat the last time i ride on it. It was not a big blast kind of punctual, but those with little hole, make by a small paper chip. I took out my tyre from the bike and starting to change it like a pro. The easy part was taking out the tyre rubber, once it was out, I am making sure that there was no foreign object in the tyre and taking extra care of putting the new rubber back into the tyre.

It was a struggle. I was not sure how i could do it the last time easily, struggle for 15mins, I finally remembered the steps. Took out the rubber again, this time, i could do it in 5 mins time. no too bad, i think. then "Shit" always happens! when you least expect it. just as i am pumping up the tyres, i heard a hissing sound. oh no, did i punctual the tyre when i was forcing it the first time? or was there little cracks in the rubber?

Took out the rubber again in super fast time, pump it a few time and spotted 2 little cracks. In fact, I was laughing when i was putting patch on them. Wife thought i am crazy. put it back double quick time. pump it up and put back to the bike.

Moral Of the story
1. Shit happen, even when you have put in effort to prevent it.
2. In the process, you get better at what you have to do, in order to reach where you wanted to go, even the end result was not what you intented to be.
3. There was no guarantee in life, it might not be better than it was before, but if you don`t experience it, you will never know.
4. If it aren`t spoilt, don`t fixed it.

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