Sunday, July 26, 2009

Shower Biking

I believed in "sign" like a dove flying off when you make a wish, a blessing shower when your mood are down, a words of encouragement from others, even though it was not meant for me.

This morning, We ( Buay, Mr Goh and myself) waited for the youngest. almost 20min before he showed up at the starting point. if that "person" was there, he would probably blow his top liao loh! lucky, today the gang had a tapering (slacker) mood.

Riding towards hougang, I just drifted behind Buay all the time, the headwind was quite strong, keeping it low today. on the way, a shouted from the opposite, a familiar shout. we reply back. The ride to tampines and Loyang was casual and easy, not suddenly spinned off, just start constant on the speed. Reaching Coastal road, it was pouring. I take it as a blessing. we took a break by the side ( a nap) haha. continued towards Kallang Mc Donald for a kopi break. a nice chat with the gang about the up coming events and some IM experiences.

In the end, I have to part the gang at Shenton way while they continued to Paris Panjang and west coast. next time, I will joined them the full distance.

Distance: 80km
2hour 45min ride time.


toobuay said...

Who is Mr Goh? U mean headmaster (Wee Har)?

Burnz said...

oh, yeah loh, i heard u calling him Mr Goh. keke