Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Run.. Finally

after 2 weeks of non running, non exercising... it does not help, with lot of beers, junk food and late night sleep. Tonight, I practically drag myself to RUN.

This evening 8km run, gave me a new definition of "Endurance is not your friend" I started out the run feeling good, new fresh leg. But happiness only lasted for 3km, I was beginning to feel sick, the body was rejecting what it was doing and wanted me to stop it. For the first time in 3 years, I felt like vomiting.

Luckily, the gang was stopping at 5km mark. I was ready to take any kind of transport back to start point! when the gang runs, I decided to press on. The body and leg felt better after the short break, I was running better and I think i was not very slow. reorg again with the front pack, we slowly jogged back to start point. what a work out.

Distance: 8km
Time: 1hour?

I think my blog had being stalked by unwanted guest. someone who are narrow minded and of cos, armed with a big mouth that spread rumours like a disease. never mind, you know who you are. This is my blog, my personal life, my sports journal and I write whatever i feel like.

Go get a life.

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