Thursday, September 10, 2009

Are You Up to IT?

In actual fact, I am not really sure...

During one of a training run this week, someone just tapped my shoulder and asked this question. so i have to reply with a silly answer, how do you know if you are prepared?

He sarcastically explained the way he trained for his previous one and the long hours he put in. Maybe I think too much about it and think that he is dis encouraging me or maybe he is trying to tell me how great he is?

no prize for it.

well, there is a first for everything isn`t it, Super long distance swim, ride, run, I just take it litlle by little and step by step... I am not sure how much to prepare but i know I wouldn`t give up, unless it cost my life. BTW

He "gave up" at his last IM half way thru... Boooo.. so much for thoughts


031206 said...

hi bro
dun be influenced by ppl like that. Set your goal and go for it. plan and take it one step at a time. Jia you!! you have shown that you can do it 84 be it desaru/ have faith in yourself!

kops21 said...

There is no distance that is too long or tough, as long as you are READY for IT.

I am sure you will be Up to IT when the time come.

You have to learn to distinguish between advice and noise. Treat it like a marathon(when u doing it for the first time).