Sunday, September 20, 2009

Saturday Wood Cutter Run

I was reluctant to do this run on a Saturday morning with a long weekend in mind. it said on the training program to be only 15km into a trail starting from lower piece reservoir and lead into a small entrance (those that you probably not notice when you ran passed them)

NOTE: it was supposed to be a slow and easy recce run into the unknown. 15km.

The group gathered was 15, a good number. After a quick briefing from the organiser, we slowly and surely started to run- stop and pick up some other runner along the way. In the End, we started at 15, ended up with 18.

Running into the woodcutter trail was quite a feat, the undulating terrain and running a route that was no really explored by others. it again, reminds me of my ARMY days. some of the runner, I notice really enjoyed these run. but it was not my cup of tea. nothing loud to shout about actually, I only remembered running thru 2 small stream, up a 200m slope, 2 left turn, 1 right turn and a left or right turn again? hmmm..

We ended up at the zheng hua route and running into the familiar pipes towards the ammo dump. finally, ran into the MR and towards the Ranger station and 3 km back to the start point. Different pace reached the end point, the faster one already resting by the side, when the others struggling just to survive. so much for a Recee run that ended up in 18km.

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