Saturday, September 12, 2009

TNF Training session 2

The morning scenes at MR in these recent Saturdays, there was an influx of runners who had a pack on their back. you could see the difference between an ordinary runners who pounded the parks or tar road from a runner who pack a heavy bag of 1.5L to 2 L of water, dirty shoe in the end of the run and sometime bruise from falling in the middle of their runs. Welcome to Trail Running North Face Style.

The group gathered today was a mix of runners, experiences runners, hardcore (weighs tied to her legs and a heavy 3kg bag) and us. We started pounding the trail up towards the north route at about 7am sharp. Running into the trail, the lead with pushing the pace, I think we are going slightly faster than we are supposed to do. after all, it will be a long day for us. before reaching the opening, we had our first "fall" not really a bad one, but it probably dampen the moral more then the body.

We continued towards ranger station for a quick break and make the way towards Bt Timah visitor center. I was keeping the leg (trying) fresh thru-out the run, adapting different leg muscles on different terrain. concentrating on different leg group, quads on flat and up hills and calves on down hills. small step generally and re-learning breathing technique on these terrain.
These strategic was working fine, no sign of cramps, no high HR until the 25km, only thing i noticed was, every time we did a quick stop over, I had a hard time warming up again. It took me a while to run and kick starts the leg and body again.

The SUN was almost at the top of our heads, when I reached the golf course (about 26km mark) 3 more km to finish this training, my pack was almost empty and what worst was my head was spinning badly at that time. I might be dehydrating. Running-walked towards the end, lionel ran past me (he did 3km more and he still managed to catch up with us) I tried to follow his pace but was drop after 200m. Finally, a strong finished with strong leg but a spinning head, I reached the end point at 1130am. I managed to complete 29km in 4hour 38mins. The new style of running and breathing worked, but it need to be reviewed and improved during the next few training run.

Summaries of Training for the entire week

Monday: 50mins Training bike
120 watts average

Tuesday: 8km run with 3 sets of 30 storey stairs. (CBD)

Wednesday: Weighs session, 50mins

Friday: Weighs session, 40mins

1 comment:

Hua said...

Great training regiment!Keep it up! I need to set for myself a weekly goal. Thank you for being an active voice in the running community. I am the Director of Blogger Relations at Wellsphere and I believe that you would be a valued resource in our HealthBlogger Network, which currently has over 2,600 of the best health writers on the web.

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