Sunday, October 11, 2009

Last One For the Legs

28.5 over the weekend, a final mileage for The North Face. I managed to wake up on time and meet the gang at NP for a final run.

Running off towards Bukit Timah hill, the pace was not fast, but the body was not reacting well. running behind the gang, I was dragging behind. Running down the hills towards the pipelines, I still could not feel the legs, the form was bad. after a welcoming drinks stop at Zheng Hua, we ran toward the park and into the farm. Then it, Rain. a blessing in disguise.

the soaked in the rain, actually make my body felt better or was it the mind? my quads and hamstring was still heavy, but I could run better as I am keeping the front group in view. reaching bukit timah hill, we make the climb again! back to visitor center. distance 20.5km.

Some of the gang was talking about taking discount, I was not hesitating to call it quit. okay, a little more for me. a little more. in the end, 8km till the start point. first time the hamstring cramp, almost fell by the side of the road.

7am, we started off the recovery run at MR. a loops was all I could do today. even though, the quads and hamstring was still weak, but I could felt the body was recovery better then yesterday. run-a walk- run. I am glad the distance made these 2 days.

total distance
28.5 +10.5= 40km Trail

TNF, ready or not, here i come! :S

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