Friday, October 9, 2009

Birthday Party?

It my party and I cry if i want to? nope i did`t cry again this time, in fact, I was drunk. yep, it come with hang over in the morning, a late sleep and a heavy head. I drink and eat so much last night that, the cow might even be embarrassed. OK, I did`t eat so much, but maybe a little more drink that I am supposed to.

2 L of Beer to other might be easy, to some might only be appetiser. It was a hell big deal to me. During those wild and fearless time of my life, beers and alcohol accompanied those "lonely" night when i am out clubbing with the fellows. After those days and when i begins to move to the white collar world, ironically, these activities became lesser.

Anyway, with the Oktoberfes in mind, I gather my "old" pals and set into the for a good time. The Bavarian Beer 1L cup was not unfamiliar for us and the hots dog was equally Delicious. The food, songs, german girls and a couple lites of festival beers, bring the house down. It ended up with hang over, heavy heads in the morning.

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