Saturday, October 3, 2009

Good Things Really Doesn`t Last!

When i was driving home from school on a Tuesday night, a familiar tone from my hp sms, I reached out to pick up the phone, "your application is Successful" wahaha.. I am Deferred! haha..

I quickly dialed for my mate and informed him of the good news, half way thru celebrating my small victory. my old "friend" decided that I did not give "her" enough attention recently and probably heard of my intention of changing "her". She decided to break down on me.

This time repaired.
a rear pump
a rear brake
front water tank, front brake
include servicing

Total damaged: $700 :(

This morning, while driving out to MR, "she" act up again! The idling was "crazy" and I had to stop a few time, just to make sure there wasn`t anything drop off the hoot! damn it. I was almost late. Calls start coming in.

The mood was bottomless when i started off the run this morning plus the old shoes i am wearing, does not reduce the impact at all. running into the trail, the body and leg could not warm up even though, i was in the 5km distance. damn it. I decided to let it rest today, 18km was enough torture for me. I am hopping tomr for a better run.

Sometime, in sports, works, life... Everyone! tend to seek the easy way out, well, who doesn`t? when you are injure, body not feeling well, having a depression, etc, you just want to rest, do other things. Only you know how your body felt, does it matter what other thinks of you? nope!

Don`t mind the harsh words but don`t give any, don`t even give an impression. At time, you need to bite the pain and press on, at time, you just need to take it easy, rest and move on.

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