Thursday, October 1, 2009

First Day of OCT 2009

Finally it happen, I am out of the hell hole, not by choice. but I think I would be better off. for the past few "times" I am the victim of stabbing incidents, it was not the first time but I recognise that the frequency is getting more nowadays. I am not very sure who did what, or who say what! but I had my suspicious.

you see, the culture in the company was based on who do you know, and not "what can you do" culture. The usual "well-like" contest in the company is often make up by attacking "someone" and making fun behind him, sometime, they even "Eat" their own "Kind". I thought only beast in the wild does that!

I am, of cos, and i am sure, are part of these monster`s menu of choice! I am definitely not spared from their poisonous venom, unfortunately I am unable to do anything at all. As much as I wanted to avoid, I sometime, had to face their smiling faces which Mask behind a ugly heart, I just could not help but feel irrigated and disgusted. All I could do, is continued to build on my "circle of trust" and avoid any connection with these monsters. I can only pray for it to back off

Anyway, this is the day that i am officially out of the shit hole, thank GOD! I am sure I will be happier, as a friend from the "circle of trust" ensured me, you will be smiling more here. thanks pal, I am looking forward to it too.

A Gym work out
warm up session
bike warming up 20mins

Squats training
Triangle weighs, 30, 50, 70, 90.
2 sets of 12 reps each weighs

chest press
weighs, 50, 70
3 sets of 12 reps each weighs

back press
weighs, 35, 45
3 sets of 12 reps.

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