Sunday, October 25, 2009

my humble respect for the distance.

7hour 40mins later at 43km mark. I was finally coax by francis (kayano) to drop this race and take a transport back to start point. It was not easy for me to make this decision, but the twitching of the muscle and cramp at 5 point in the leg makes it difficult to continue.

The leg was feeling well when running towards bt timah hill, breathing was constant and the body was feeling fine. I managed to peek at my watch when i reached the BT hill and I was in good time. walking up the slope, I had to bend forward and almost to a climb position. before a few hundreds meter to the top, I was greet by LT and gang. a welcoming drink, I press on.

I thought going down hill would be easy, I was so wronged! the left ankle was starting to cramp up when i was hopping down the steps. took a fall but wasn`t a bad one. I was really clumsy on the leg, and tip on loosen stone and roots. running into zheng hua was a welcoming route for my legs but it does not last long.

Mandai hills
These hills was all too familiar to me, but i just could not reconcile the toughest of the route after 20km into the run. every hill felt like bt timah slope and there wasn`t any shade, It was more like a road march then run. 10km a loops, the slopes and heat cramps almost makes me a goner. cramps on the hamstring when walking up and cramps on the calves when walking down. the loving couple offered the yoko on my leg, but it only lasted for a while, a kind soul took half an electrolytes for me. I managed to reach the existing point at almost 12pm. 5 hours for 30km. I saw francis running out, before I took off.

I took a long time at the aid station, about 5mins telling myself i can do this. 4 hour for 20km, sound doable. I pressed on! The heat was now way above the head, the sun was now scorching my skin and the sand in my shoes was developing a blaster. The constant rubbing on my right under arm got a big blaster at the end of the day. This is no choice, but to continue this race. I was not about to give up.

I remembered the way back was much better, I could run better, running towards every shaded area and walk. The trees and bushes was not moving at all, it was stand still, there was no wind at all! The sun was unkind. Finally, I was in the shade at the more forested part of the route. towards BT hill. I was even able to pass some runner along the way, making the moral higher.

I knew i was making good time at this point, I was able to run up the slope and even down. then it happens at the BTMT, looking down a long slope, I was prepared to run and a cramp begin to happen. it got really bad, when I could see the twitching of my calves muscles and the hamstring pulling badly. The ITB started to act up and even my back was cramping. I had to sit down.

I am not sure how long I sat, I actually could not remembered. must be stoning for quite a while. Francis caught up, called up to me, together with George and Jennifer, they pushed me for another 10km toward the durian loop, I had to stop and stretch alot of time and begged the gang to push on without me every time i do so. I knew I might not make it with this cramp, but don`t want them to them to accompany me and risk with me. Finally, at the end of durian loop, I got 2 bad cramp walking up the stairs and decided not to continue this race. It was a biggest decision I had to make in my 10th running career years. It was an decision not an easy one to make and the aftermath mental blocked was even harder to settle in. 7hour 45mins later, I was out of this race.

The distance and terrain, taught me to be humble and gain total respect for those who completed and even more for those who did the 100km solo. Mileage, endurance and mental strength was the key factor in this race. After the dust had settle down, asked me again if I want to do this race or be a support. I hope the heat cramps does not offered a bad history for the coming event I am about to undertake.

A "Big thanks you" to those who brave the blazing sun and waiting for us with cool isotonic, sweet fruits! a God sent. thanks


kops21 said...

It is not easy. I understand. Rest well.

roentgen said...

Have a good rest. The course was tough and unforgiving, and you made the difficult but correct decision. Come back and pia another day - and we can all do it together :)

Tekko said...

At least you had the guts to start. Me don't even want to think about it. So you have my utmost respect - and to push through all those cramps... You will come back stronger for it

Burnz said...

thanks guys,I learned a valuable lesson on these few month and a painfull experience in a trail race.

This will be a target race for me next year. Now, time for more bikes and swim