Sunday, December 27, 2009

MR 52.5

After the long ride from Friday, I was not sure if this was possible. I just wish for that the body was able to endure as much as possible and there was minimal cramps.

first loops was a blessing, the weather was fine, just a little slippery on the trail. I was following behind tigger. keeping the heart rate slow, 140- 155 bpm, walked up the hills and run when down slope and flat. 1 hour 20mins per laps. when we reached the car park, I took out my bread and start munching. surpisinlgy i was able to eat. 2 bread + 1 H2O

second loops was almost the same, same pace and same strategy. walked up the hills, run on down and flat, keeping the HR low. finish the 2nd loops at 1 hour 22mins.

Third laps, I knew i was tired. but the leg was still moving. more walk break this time and the HR was getting higher. sun was out. 150 - 163 bpm. We managed to complete the third round 1 hour 35mins.

fourth laps, I was alone now. tigger was accompany by francis, while i could not catch up with their pace, I decided to take it easy. anyway, it is already a bonus round for me at least. I was planning for 3 loops only. the leg was really tired now, but luckily the cramps hasn`t set in yet. more walking breaks in between. 1 hour 40mins. total time: 6 hours 05mins.

I went straight to the start point without stopping at the support table. I knew i would probably rest much longer if i am there. took some drinks, peanuts, bananas. I saw clare, VH preparing for their final laps too. not waiting for them, I ran off.

40mins, out of the first opening, the leg was tired. but there was not sign of cramps. well, every dogs has it days! I guess this was mine. took a quick drinks and started to run-walk-jog towards the second water point. the weather was holding very well! and the sign of dark cloud means was actually quite welcoming at this point.

Reaching the golf course, Andy and his ladies team was catching up. I ran with them a little and towards the second water point. going down the slippery slow, I fell. left hand first, then the butt. damn! luckily not much damaged. I am still able to run. a little walk-jog. run towards the finishing line.

time clock: 8 hour 02mins.
a nice PB.

to the one who was holding me back on the first 2 loops
chicken rice man, but he was not there for me to thanks him.
drinks + tibits girl, offering me green tea, calling me don`t SLACK!
Grapes girl, picking the grapes for me when i am damn tired.
the brothers and sister calling me to run another the 6 laps and cheering me
photograhers along the way, at the starting line, finishing line.. everywhere!

It was a nice way to end 2009.


Soon Tuck said...

good job bro! pity i couldn't be there... next yr? ;)

kops21 said...

Keep HR low and going steady for the 2/3 of any race will give u the impetus to finish the run strong..and most and drink constantly and have a crammed-less event.

Looking good for IM...

Burnz said...


why you not there??? huh huh huh??? keke anyway, it was one of those prefect weather to run a ultramarathon, but i still prefer it to rain a little. otherwise, it was just nice.


thanks for holding me back for the 2 laps. yes eat! is the key to complete a IM. not too sure if i can complete "happily" now. need more trg!

weishan said...

now i m itching for a long endurance event... maybe maybe some time in the future when i find the courage! :)