Sunday, December 6, 2009

A wonderful Road Trip and a start of a new life

The weekend started with a group of friends, thinking where would be a good place for a nice, cooling place, not too far away and also a nice budget.

a few place came to mind, in the end, cameron was chosen. The total drive mileage was almost 1200km, first stop over was KL. A nice hotel with nice facilities. good food. It was close to perfect.

After a night at KL, We hit the road again. another 300km with lot of whining road up hills. 2 nights was spend at Cameron Highland,lot of veges and steam boats. there wasn`t much to see, expect farms, Tea plantations, night marketing and lot of CORNS. Food so-so. organic or not, I am not sure, but the vegetables does taste a little different.

I was not impress with the place, but the short run, short moment with friends together make the trip unforgetable. thanks pals

Tomorrow, I am starting on a new work place with new colleagues, new faces, new challenges. Best part is, I was not even sure, I had already forget what to expect on a first day of work, hmmm... i must be real comfortable with my previous work.

I would be assuming a new role in this company, yes, new roles equal to mountain of expectation! I am not very sure how it would work out but i believe in make thing happens of the very least, I like to be answerable to myself.

There are people that would describe me as an introvert, making new friends would be difficult. I like to be comfortable in my work, taking risk was not my forte. but situation had taken an opportunities for me to "change" for better or worst. at the very least, after 6 year. I am again starting a new life.

I am praying for good luck in relationship with new colleagues.
good luck in work
good luck with the bosses
please give me the wisdom and enlightenment for this job and handling situation carefully.

I have nothing esle to lose, probably just myself.

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