Sunday, February 21, 2010


Type: run
Distance: 16km
Time: 1 hour 45mins

started at 5.45am, overslept, due to my own stupid careless again on the stupid HP. damn. almost wanted to give up at 7km mark to u turn, but heck, we pushed ahead for another 1km. double pace back, 5.45/km pace average back to start point. a good session with my 2 running buddies.

Type: bike
Distance: 75km
Time: 2hour 30mins

spend the whole afternoon trying to fixed up the wheel, TMD, got cut on my toes. but it was all worth it for the morning ride. good rolling and easy on the quads. got to cut it short when HS got a flat which damper his mood. in the end, 75km+ when reached home.

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