Sunday, May 16, 2010

Two for One

Have you ever notice how a person would change in their behaviour and attitude when they are in love? once, was a strong headed, full of opinion person, that stand on her 2 feet for everything, now a sweet girl, who listen to opinion and "smile" when the loved one call her silly.

My guess is, she is really in "love". Love can be magical, a magic that opens the heart and controls our logical thinking. when we were younger, we are taught to be strong, to say "No" and think for our action and a possible reaction. There is no one to depend on, except our self, friend come and goes in relate to an events or activities we were gathered by faith once. Even True good friend we often think we had, sometime cannot stand the test of time.

how does one know whether if she/he is in love? does it meant butterfly in your stomach? thinking of she/he whole day? or like to spend time with this person? answer, is no. in my opinion, when you are in love, you learned to rely on this person, you listened for opinion even though you already had one) you put trust in him, every word, action and opinion.

Be it good or bad, suddenly you become him.

"A woman lied for the sake of her man, where a man lied for the sake of himself"


1 comment:

ST...... said...

ahem.....Do I know 'her'? I think I do..:)