Monday, May 3, 2010


Most of us are guilty of being vain at some point of time, beside the receding hair line, pimples out break and a few lost tooth. Some men just spend too much time on how we look "artificially"

Men spend too much time on clothes, accessories and even shaping our body at the gym. I remembered I was asked a question a few moons ago " why do you run" and my quote was, I want to look like a "Rock Stars" there were many responses was on that quote, while some trying to make sense, most just find it weird and other was amused! As much as we like to say, we do not mind being a little heavy on the weighting scale or having a little bulge in the front. We are often cried deep down inside us.

After a heavy lunch or dinner, the next thing we want to do is a 30km LSD.

When we are approaching an important event, the first things that always come to our mind was, what should we be wearing? well, this may not happen to every men I know, but at the very least I am guilty as charge. Question is "Does a vanity Men associate with being Gay?"

I noticed some Singapore men had finally break out of their shell and had uphold the true meaning a "metrosexual" which define as "men who live in a post industrial, capitalise, who have strong concern on his appearance or a lifestyle that display attributes which stereotyping a homosexual" cited wikipedia. is this a fair statement?

Some men had gone a few steps further with make up, dress, wig, eye lashes and a fake boobs job. I think, this is as far as i can accept and trying not to be too biased to "it" and definitely not affected by "it"

unlike my buddies did 2 night ago, all I could said was " We were lucky!"

ok, i rest my case!

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