Sunday, August 29, 2010

Only for the "Tough"

We get excited, when we know that we will be spending 4-6 hours on the road. sometime in a terrain that we are familiar, sometime not. although, running with a bunch of ppl, most of the chatting were in the beginning of the runs. after a while, everyone goes into a trance.

I personally, think that we are long distance introverts, we think that running help us physically and we love the mental high. This phenomenal does not seem to happen in other sports, we share a joke or a stories during our ride. we get to interact more during a ball game or a board game and even swimming can get social too.

In the past few runs, the running group is getting bigger, we had become more competitive. we tried to outlast each other especially when the distance is longer and the heat is up. chatting had become lesser, maybe due to the fact that everyone was struggling. The past weeks of cross country running, some of us had taken quite a bit of beating. Some were sick for weeks, heart rate gone up, foot sprain and a fellow friend had to be send to a hospital.

I think that a little encouragement along the run would help, especially those whom is not feeling well. it is going to be a tough september before the actual race is. Jia You!

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