Thursday, November 18, 2010

Rule or Regulation


there seem to have a lot of misunderstanding of rules and regulations AGAIN, and some smart alec playing with words and defining "it" towards their advantages. nothing wrong with this. my only thought is (its the Holiday season, "school out" and all the monkey come out to play)

Every forum, group, house, countries set their own rules or regulations. like an ISO that govern the process, schedule or progress in a plant or even a sales office. There is a work flow to follow, this is where an end objective was made and want to achieve a desire 90% of the results without having to monitor it every single seconds. note: i only mentioned 90%.

bad rule, stupid rule or wrong rule cited by curious, as the literature reviewed, these are just rules, no legitimate rule said that you had to follow it, it is just there to protect an interests ( be it, big or small) by a person whom has a personal interest to set them. by means, this rules is non of your concern at all! if you do not have any similar interests.

unless, you are required to obey them, when you are sharing the same interest of which this person is the owner of such interest. noted ( Owner, is a legitimate word) Understand!?

in simple form, you come my house, you obey my house rules! like it or not! dumb ass

in my opinion, a forum cannot appease everyone, it is actually OK!

lol, too much for today, I am amused again!

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