Sunday, December 28, 2008

2008 Ultramarathon at the MR

Today, It marked the last day of running on the calendar year 2008 for me. Traditionally, The runners would gather at MR today, mostly by word of mouth by other runners to do the ultimate terrain of MR, most only want to do 5 loops of 52.5km, but there are also eiltes that tries to complete 84km, some even more.

I woke up today at 530am, preparing for the run. when i looked out of the window, hopping it would rain and finding excuses not to do it. nevertheless, i proceed to MR, aiming just doing until the body cannot take it anymore.

I started off the run, I was running with Regina, aiming at a loop of 1 hour 30mins. as usual, the first 2 loops was comfortable. we could complete in 1hour 15mins on average, but when we started on our third loops, half way into the run, my body started to resist me. I could feel that the head was going to blurst, the body suddenly felt pain and cramps at the most unusal place happen. I signal to Regina to move forward and i just take it easy back to the start pt.

I managed to reach the start pt in 1 hour 40mins. sitting at the tentage, I told myseld i am not moving anymore. "thats it, I am going home" unfortunately, the too family appeared and give me a talking that make me move again. Xiao di offer to run with me, as he was completing his final loops. I managed to complete the 4th loops at about 1 hour 50mins with lot of walking breaks. By the final stretch, I saw divey and her friends. Thanks Divey for offering me the drinks and the cold sponges. It was like God send during those "difficult time"

At the final stretch, we managed to gather at least 10 walkers to complete the final laps of MR. the encouragement, chatting along the way makes the final run slightly easier. Finally, I am able to complete this Ultramarathon, with the assist of ST, Divey and Chen Ping, thanks for their supports during this events. I would be glad to assist you when you had your events.

thanks guys. now, is to nurse my painful leg, tired body and a weak mind. Rest and Relax till New year.

am I doing to do the ultramarathon 2009? asked me again when time is near, I would read this thread and review again :P

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