Saturday, January 10, 2009

MR 2 loops

This morning gang consisted of Stuck, Xiao di, fennel, yankee and myself. We started the run into the southern route into MR at about 6.30am. Running into the thick forested route, it was still quite dark. There wasn`t much other runner in the trail at this hour, only occasionally, we ran passed one or two.

The morning sun started to raise when we reached the first tactic halt after 4km into the run. We continue via the ranger station and took a quick break before continuing back. On the way, meet with sotong and his wife.

First loop
distance: 10.5km
Time: 1 hour 15mins.

After a quick break and some drinks, we continue another loop the same way. Although, the sun is up, the weather was actually quite cooling today. Good steady pace all the way in the run, I felt that the gang hold on to the relax pace, some feeling the urge to chiong ahead, but remained the steady pace and stay with the group.

Second loop
Distance: 10.5km
Time: 1 hour 20mins.

We managed to finish the run with good pace and a fresh leg. cool! objective met.

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