Saturday, February 28, 2009

Coastal Route 23km

We managed to start the run at about 640am this morning, only 4 Too attended today work out. We started off the run at a easy pace, aiming to complete the distance in 3 hour 30mins time. Running towards the ECP, our pace was rather slow. Until we reached the coastal route, We managed to speed up a little as the body still havent warmed up yet.

We managed to keep a decent pace thru-out the run and keeping the breathing easy. Took a quick stop at the fire station, we continued where, Tao u turn back. We noticed that we could started off the pace slow and gradually increase the pace when we reached a descent pace. U turn at the toilet we pace back to the start off. Lots of chatting along the way and keeping the pace good, we managed to complete the run in about 3 hours time. include rest and breaks. good based training today.

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