Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Movie Night

For the past few night, i am mugging for another assignment i need to submit on the 2nd of March. if not making the matter worst, I had 3 class on Friday, Saturday and Sunday but luckily, i managed to put in a long distance run over the weekend.

After submitting the assignment, I decided to reward myself with a small break before another 2 submission by the end of the month :(

I always love to watch movie and had a good dinner during a monday night. usually the crowds is much lesser, there are better seats in the cinema and the service is always better. We went to lido for a movie called the "Slumdog Millionaire" a quick brief about the plot was a young boy who leave the slum with his brother when their mother dead during a riot in the middle of the day. It sets the brothers with a little girl seeking survival in a tough and cruel world. Jamal, the lead character, despite the ever challenging time he had since young and a brother who in the same time seeking his own survival, making his dream come true. but only to come back and rescue the little girl they pick up, from the "child beggars group"

In the end, as most india movie would do, a happy ending with the typical dancing around the coconut trees :P (joking) and an india songs, of cos. well, it was one of those feel good movies, but in a reality, does it ever fulfiled it this way? If it was a chinese make movie, Jamal would lost the "millionaire game". Every person likes a happy ending, but most of the time, does it turned out to the way we want? Having a positive out look, i supposed most of us just make ourself happy when it does not turn out what we want. thinking, "it could have being worst"

I reckon, during the journery of reaching the result, make it most important. the efforts that we make, the thoughts and enlightenment we reached and the experience we gathered. This should be the "end results" that we should embrace. A good ending would probably be a bonus, knowing that we had done the best we did. but then again, at what stage of our life, then we would reached this "level" maybe not in our life time!

by the way, in the "Slumdog Millionarie" it does not turned out as perfect ending as it is, the small little boy that acted "Young Jamal" returned to the Slum straight after the movie.

This is then the Facts of Life~~~

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