Tuesday, March 3, 2009

CBD F1 pit 4 laps

This evening, the gathering of runner were at least 20 people, we managed to start off the run with Stuck being the lead tonight. I tried to followed the pace of the front pack, but were unable to, have to fall back to the middle group.

When We reached the F1 Pit, the gang gathered together and continued to do spin works on the 1km track. I could not picked up the pace tonight, the stomach just felt uncomfortable. I took it easy for the first 2 laps. by the 3rd lap, i could pace faster, but still the uneasy in the stomach still bothers. Only at the last lap, I managed a sub 4.30min pace to complete the final 1km run.

A Easy Run back to the start line, I was following behind xiao di. he is fast tonight, i noticed I was unable to catch up with him even at his easy run pace. no choice have to admit old :P

Distance: 9+km

Tuesday night training run was always a good form of warm up for the rest of the week training. It kicked starts the engine and also prepared me physically and also mentality. For, I knew what i need to do for the long week ahead.

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