Saturday, February 7, 2009

Mandai Loop

This morning I move out of the house by 640am and I managed to reached upper Perice reservoir by 655am. Waited for a while, only Tao appeared. where is LT?

Tao complaint that her rear tyre is deflating, We tried pumping it and continued our way. while reached the MR gate, We decided to changed her rear tyre by the gate. After 10mins of struggle, we continued our way. while reaching Nee soon Camp, her rear tyre deflated again! no choice, have to call for enforcement. Finally, found that there was a small stapler in the tyre and the deflated one, we managed to patch it back.

4 of us, did the big loop around mandai and meet up with yankee and fennel for breakfast atlong the casurina prata shop.

Distance: 48km
I managed to spin at 38 today and only changing the rear gear. The quads felt stronger and more relax.

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