Saturday, March 7, 2009

25km Coastal Road Night

It was 9pm on a Friday night, to many, it was a beginning of the weekend, most party at this time, some went for dinner, this was then, 6 of us began our long run. then it struck me. what am i doing here....

We started the run at a decent pace towards the first toilet, no one wanted to take a break, we continued on. The pace was getting faster when we are in the coastal road. when in the first hour, we had reached the 9km mark. Tao and Piglet decided to u turn, when we continued to press on. then there was only 4 of us. pace was much faster then previous. not much talking though out the whole run. I think, 4 of us just enjoyed the night cooling run and the pace.

1 hour 25mins for 12.5km. a decent time, considering that we took some breaks in between. took a little more walked, we continued back to the start point. This is where the pace unnoticeable become 5- 515mins pace. many time, i had to call for slow down and walked break just to keep the leg alive. 5 mins walked breaks and continued the run again.

We managed to reached the point at about 12am in the morning. objective not met. this is supposed to be a race pace run. hai~~ we got to have more discipline next round.

Distance: 25km or more?
Time: 3hours 8mins.

We had a round of dim sum with the accompanied of Stuck at Geylang and bd cake before we called it off for the night, or morning. 3am.

Sunday Recovery 15km.

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