Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunday Recovery 15km

After a good rest on Saturday; the knee felt much better. so today aim was to do a recovery pace and keeping the leg fresh.

This morning turn up was big, it must have being sometime the 9 of us ran together. we started off 10- 15mins after 7am. stuck were setting the pace for the first part of the run, I just followed him. not too fast, just good enough. we managed to reached the first halt about 22mins, took a longer break while waiting for the last person to reach. normally, we don`t wait. okay!

Running up the mickey mouse hill was enjoyable, i could feel the quads working hard. just when i tried to over take fennel, she power off and make sprint to the Golf course. who say she is non competitive huh? we continued into the golf course and took a longer break at the toilet. lot of chit chatting and more walking breaks. we break into small groups and continue to the ranger station, another break, before some of them chiong to the final point, where i just took it easy when hungry strike!

distance: 15km
Time about 2 hours +

good feeling on the legs and quads, the body still felt quite strong. we finished the morning with brunch on Salted Duck Soup and Ba Kut Teh. yummy!

heard from Buay, that Babu only took bread in the day and meal at night when training for his IM. hmm.. sound achievable. need to lose some weigh before the Sundown and Desaru.

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