Saturday, March 14, 2009

Swim, Run Training

Today training would be slightly different from the past ones that we did, this be the first time for most of us to attend NYP swimming pool. In the morning, we are supposed to meet up at YCK stadium, but being someone not staying in the north, I get there really late. but still manage to start the swim session at about 9+am.

Today, there were at least 8 of us swimming, of which, some swim for the first time with us. There were, Buay, Regina, Tao, Yankee, Stuck, Batz, LT and me. we noticed the on one side of the pool, it was the deepest end of 2.5m and the other end was 1.2m. Making it difficult to rest at one of the end for long. We started off the swim with only ourself, it was a nice easy swim for me. keeping the body in a long slide posture, i think i managed to do a 1.5km in about 30mins and another 500 in about 20mins. in the mist of my swim, i took some glance in our fellow training mate, most of them had improved quite a bit, whereas, buay was there with a watchful eye. I don`t think he swam much.

Swim Distance: 2km
Time: 50mins?

After the swim, we took a long transition, before taking off for a short run about 3.2km within the school. Luckily the weather hold up well and it was not hot when we started the run. There were some hills to conquer during the run and we keep the group together for most of the distancce, only breaks up into small team again for the final stretch home.

Distance: 3.2km
Time: 20mins

easy on the leg and relax on the upper body. it was a good morning workout today. I like the idea of having to see the deepest end of the pool when i am u-turning, somehow it felt different.. and i like different! I will be back~

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