Saturday, April 4, 2009

ECP 16

This morning was suppose to be a "easy run" in preparation for a long run coming good friday. I picked up Y at TPY and proceed to the start point at CP B1. We were a bit early today.

Waited not long, the rest of the gang appeared and after some mattering, we start off the run. I wasn`t feeling well when the run started, the body is aching. I guess probably was due to the weigh session in the last 2 week. The leg was heavy and the body was weak. We took a first break at 4.2km point by the toilet, I need this kind of breaks, just to last the distance. although, the breathing is alright, but the leg was just heavy. sigh.

We took another break at about 800m before NSRCC, after a reorg with GL (she ran from home), we continued to the u-turn point, took another break and continued back. The body, shoulder and chest was in some sort of pain now, but i just pressed on. Took some walking break along F2 and some at near the nike point. a slow jogged back to the start point.

i supposed it was like a trade off from weighs training and doing run, you just cannot achieve the two without stopping one. sigh, just when i like weighs training more, maybe have to moderate it down.

Distance: 16km
Time: 2 hours 5mins.

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