Monday, April 6, 2009

Sunday MR recovery 10.5

This morning, I really wanted to stay in the bed. Running in MR was the last thing in my mind. but... nevertheless, I still reached the carpark on time.

only 4 of us ran this morning, mind was weak as well as the body. the weather nowadays really take much out of me. i need rest. The pace was slow and took any break in between the run. I just want to finish the run and get it over with. I did not stay for makan with the gang.

thank god, no injure after the run, so the mind was still dreaming and wandering thru-out.

Distance: 10.5km
time: 1hour 20mins.

Did another "marathon" of work and assignment during Saturday and Sunday. Monday was the business meeting. got only to wrap up the work at about 12am. luckily we managed to put some time for massage at our favourite joint and a good dinner. what a weekend. so tired now..

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